Rik Brooks

Spring training Day Update

Rik Brooks
Spring training  Day Update

Hello my loyal disciples! Happy Thursday, this week has been very difficult, I have put myself in a very compromising position. I let fear get the best of me on Monday, and didn’t get to work on my kettlebell swings. 2500 in one week seemed very overwhelming to me. I have a tendency to overestimate what I can accomplish, but when facing the actual execution of the task I have a habit of wilting. I listened to the resistance and caved in on Monday. However, after doing a little soul searching, I battled back and have currently completed 1500 kettlebell swings. I have one thousand left. I still need to hit 6 miles of running by Sunday as well. This week has been hard, but I am going to come out on top. I have been pretty silent about this, but I think it is important for all of you to see that I still struggle with following through on plans. At times, I become easily overwhelmed and forget the lessons that have carried me this far. Breaking large tasks down into smaller steps helps immensely. I am grateful for the resistance I am facing this week, because when the week is over I will have learned an important lesson. How to get tasks done when you don’t have the motivation to do them. When I am able to master this lesson I will be unstoppable. However, it is going to take a long time to learn this and consistently carry it out. The battle against the chub rages on tomorrow!  

Kettlebell swings 

1500 this week 

Total: 4000

Miles ran: 0

Goal: 6 miles 



Barbell back squats 5x4

Deadlifts 5x4

Leg press 5x4


Ankle Glides 10r on each side

Deep Squat Flow

•~10 sec Deep Squat

•10r Prys

•10 sec Twist Left/ Right

•10 sec Forward Fold

•10 sec Deep Squat

 Quad Knee Circles

 Bear Sit Switches

5r each way totaling 10r

Hanging Knee Raises (Bar)


Pronated Hang

2x30 sec


Barbell Bench press 5x4

Pec flys 3x15

Straight bar press down 3x15

Rope pull down 3x15