Episode 51- Rick Giavonette

Rick Giavonette

Whiskey collector, connoisseur and reviewer

Today we are joined by Rick is a Whiskey collector, connoisseur and reviewer. Rick does not have any ties to a distillery or whiskey company, he’s just a regular guy who wants to learn, collect, and drink whiskey. Rick started an Instagram in 2017 and ever since, he’s called this his Brown Liquor Quest. You can find Rick on his Instagram @brownliquor_quest.

Show Notes:

@brownliquor_quest | Instagram

Buffalo Trace Still Years Away From Its Whiskey Supply Catching Up To Demand | The Whiskey Wash

How Can Different Craft Whiskeys Come From One Big Distillery? | Whiskey Advocate

The Untold Story of Military Special, the U.S. Armed Forces’ Own Bourbon | Vine Pair

Neat: The Story of Bourbon | IMDb