Rik Brooks

Spring training Day 5

Rik Brooks
Spring training Day 5

Hello my loyal disciples! Another great weekend in the books. I started today off with a 5 mile hike in the Columbia River Gorge. I have sent several probes down into my brain in the hopes of conjuring up something wise or inspirational to write to you, but the words aren’t there, and that is okay. They are not always going to be. When I first started the Church of the Chubby the words came easier. It is only a matter of time before they come back. I believe that part of my problem is I am very scatterbrained. Going forward I am going to start putting themes to each week. This week's theme is “due diligence.” I am not sure how to test this new process, but writing it down is a good starting point. I will have a midweek write up on Wednesday. The battle against the chub rages on tomorrow! May the Church of the Chubby reign supreme. I will chat with you all tomorrow! 

Run Length: 2.3

Total: miles ran 6.9!

Goal: 6.0miles 



5 mile hike 

Back extensions 4x10

Captain chair legs raises 4×14

Inverted Russian twists 3x10

Medicine ball planks 3 sets 30 seconds

Ab roller 2x10